ISSN 2305-3127 (Print)   
ISSN 2664-3790 (Online)


Точність відображення коронарних судин на 320-рядному комп’ютерному томографі Toshiba Aquilion ONE і приклади його застосування

F.R. de Graaf, E. van der Wall


1. De Graaf F.R., Schuijf J.D., van Velzen J.E. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography in the non-invasive evaluation of significant coronary artery disease // Eur. Heart J.– 2010.– Vol. 31 (15).– P. 1908–1915.

2. De Graaf F.R., Schuijf J.D., van Velzen J.E. et al. Diagnostic accuracy of 320-row multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography to noninvasively assess in-stent restenosis // Invest. Radiol.– 2010.– Vol. 45 (6).– P. 331–340.

3. De Graaf F.R., Schuijf J.D. Evaluation of stents and grafts // Euro Intervention.– 2010.– Vol. 6 (Suppl. G).– P. G48–G56.

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5. George R.T., Arbab-Zadeh A., Miller J.M. et al. Adenosine stress 64- and 256-row detector computed tomography angiography and perfusion imaging: a pilot study evaluating the transmural extent of perfusion abnormalities to predict atherosclerosis causing myocardial ischemia // Circ. Cardiovasc. Imaging.– 2009.– Vol. 2 (3).– P. 174–182.

6. Malagutti P., Nieman K., Meijboom W.B. et al. Use of 64-slice CT in symptomatic patients after coronary bypass surgery: evaluation of grafts and coronary arteries // Eur. Heart J.– 2007.– Vol. 28 (15).– P.1879–1885.

7. Pasricha S.S., Nandurkar D., Seneviratne S.K. et al. Image quality of coronary 320-MDCT in patients with atrial fibrillation: initial experience // Am. J. Roentgenol.– 2009.– Vol. 193 (6).– P. 1514–1521.

8. Uehara M., Funabashi N., Ueda M. et al. Quality of coronary arterial 320-slice computed tomography images in subjects with chronic atrial fibrillation compared with normal sinus rhythm // Int. J. Cardiol.– 2010.– Vol. 16.


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