ISSN 2305-3127 (Print)   
ISSN 2664-3790 (Online)


Contemporary management of acute right ventricular failure: a statement from the Heart Failure Association and the Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation and Right Ventricular Function of the European Society of Cardiology

V.-P. Harjola, A. Mebazaa, J. Čelutkienė, D. Bettex, H. Bueno, O. Chioncel, M. Crespo-Leiro, V. Falk, G. Filippatos, S. Gibbs, A. Leite-Moreira, J. Lassus, J. Masip, C. Mueller, W. Mullens, R. Naeije, A.V. Nordegraaf, J. Parissis, J. Riley, A. Ristic, G. Rosano, A. Rudiger, F. Ruschitzka, P. Seferovic, B. Sztrymf, A. Vieillard-Baron, M. Yilmaz, S. Konstantinides


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