ISSN 2305-3127 (Print)   
ISSN 2664-3790 (Online)


Editorial Policy

  1. The author submits article to the editorial office of the journal. Requirements regarding materials are published in every issue of the journal.
  2. The Editor-in-Chief performs preliminary review and decides whether to accept article for review, send for correction and reject the article.
  3. Editorial office resends the article without identification of the author to the independent reviewer. Reviewers are members of the journal editorial board in majority of cases.
  4. After receiving questions and proposals of the reviewer the article is considered by the editor of the journal. If necessary, the editorial office sends the conclusion to the author during 4 weeks.
  5. The authors correct the article according to the questions of the reviewer and resubmit it shortly.
  6. After second review by the reviewer and the editor the article is included into the contents of the journal.
  7. The editorial office sends the article ready for publication to the author in order to perform final check of the text and illustrations.
  8. All accepted articles are available at the web site.
  9. The “Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology” journal keeps the policy of open access to the published material, considering the priority of free distribution of the scientific information and knowledge exchange for global progress of the society. The users have possibility of free reading, uploading, copying and distribution of the texts with teaching and scientific purposes, with obligatory listing the authorship and reference data in the journal.


 Publication ethics statement

 1. Editorial office responsibility

The decision regarding acceptance of the articles 

The decision of the editorial office regarding acceptance of the articles is based on the conclusion of the independent reviewer and analysis of the article concordance to the publication requirements. Thejournaleditorialofficemayrejectarticleorreturnitforfurtherimprovement, if it doesn’t correspond to the requirements. The editorial office doesn’t accept the articles which have been earlier published in other editions. 


The editorial board evaluates the received articles only according to their content and correctness of the registration, independent of ethnicity, gender, religion, political views, citizenship, scientific status of the author. 


The editorial office doesn’t provide information about acceptance or rejection of the article to anybody except author (co-authors) and reviewers. The editorial office doesn’t open the personal data of the authors, except those provided for publication in the journal. 


The editorial office rejects publication and informs author (co-authors) accordingly in case of plagiarism found in the article. Such an article won’t be considered for publication afterwards, even if the author corrects it. 


The editorial office is acting according to the statement of the Committee of Publication Ethics regarding scientific articles rejection, when rejection of the article is considered. The members of the editorial board may not use unpublished materials sent to the editorial office for their own investigations. 

2. Responsibility of the reviewers 

Participance in the editorial office decisions 

The reviewer helps editorial office in the decisions regarding publication acceptance or rejection. Besides, the reviewer helps author to improve the work. 


The procedure of the reviewing is confidential. The reviewer provides conclusion only to the editorial office. 


The reviewing procedure is oriented at maximally objective evaluation of the scientific work content. The personal critics of the authors is impermissible. The reviewers should provide their point of view clear, with constructive remarks and advices. 


In case of plagiarism detected the reviewer should inform the editorial board members. 


The reviewers may not use the unpublished materials sent to the editorial office for reviewing, for their own investigations. 

3. The responsibility of the authors 

Credibility of information 

The authors should present results of their own studies according to the requirements to the articles, clearly consecutively, with necessary references to other scientific works used. The usage of false and unprecise data is considered as publication ethics misconduct. 

Authenticity and plagiarism 

The authors should guarantee credibility of data provided in their articles. While using the data of other scientists the authors should make references to their studies. 

Multiple publication of one article 

It is forbidden to submit article which was earlier published. 


The co-authors of the article are those who played a significant role in the performance of investigation, materials of which are presented in the article. All co-authors should receive and agree the final version of the article. The participance of every author should be noted at the end of the article. 


The authors should provide information regarding availability or absence of the conflict of interest at the end of the article. 


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© "Cardiac Surgery and Interventional Cardiology" Ukrainian scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal, 2023